Youth Mission Trips

Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about next year’s youth mission trips. For the 22nd year, we will be traveling to Mountain T.O.P. this coming June. If you are unable to attend the informational meeting, September 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM in Pierson Hall, please contact Rick Stout with any questions or concerns regarding this year’s trips 330-283-4838 or or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

The following testimony was written by Gabrielle Seed, and demonstrates just how inspirational these trips can be.

The “Mountain T.O.P. High” by Gabrielle Seed, written at age 14.

This year was my first time going on the youth mission trip to Mountain T.O.P Tennessee. I had never been on a mission trip before; I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, but I had some ideas running through my mind. I was excited to embrace new and unique experiences, new friends, and a deep connection with God. On Baker Mountain, these feelings are often referred to as the “Mountain T.O.P. high”. My Mountain T.O.P. high was fueled by the inspiring stories shared by other campers, the kindness of the people of the Cumberland Mountains and in camp, as well as the worship services in the evenings. I had never really seen many kids around my own age so inspired and deeply touched. Marcus told the group a story that touched me personally. He went into a thrift store with his Youth Renewal Group (YRG). The owner there cut the prices of the clothes he purchased and left a note in his bag with prayers written on it. To sum it up, Mountain T.O.P. is an experience that inspires, changes, and brings out our personalities. At the end of the week, we were asked to keep the Mountain T.O.P. high with us, and indeed, that is a hard task to follow without the same community enveloping and strengthening us; but there are other resources available for us to go to. I think of Mountain T.O.P. as a renewing of peace, love, and faith.