While Baptism declares God’s grace, each person needs to come to personally accept God’s gift of love. One way in which young people may do this is through the Confirmation program. Confirmation is the act of “confirming” or “saying yes” to one’s Baptism and to God’s gift of salvation.
At the United Methodist Church of Kent, we have a year-long Confirmation program for seventh graders, which includes classes, field trips, home Bible study, and service projects. Through the Confirmation program, which is taught by our youth director and pastor, young people are led to consider what it means to be a Christian and to reflect on their own relationship with God. On Confirmation Sunday, which takes place in May, confirmands make a profession of their own faith in Christ, are “confirmed” into Christian discipleship, and are received as full members of the church.
Young people in Confirmation who have not previously been baptized receive baptism as they are confirmed on Confirmation Sunday.
For information about our confirmation class, please contact Rick Stout, Director of Christian Education & Youth Ministries.
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