The Spirit Bears Witness within Us

In countless ways and places and times, people have experienced the presence of God. “The Spirit bears witness within us,” says the Scripture, “that we are children of God.”  (Romans 8:16) Such deep and universal experience testifies to the Reality of God.

But what about those who have had no experience of God?

The fact that you have not experienced something does not mean that that thing does not exist. It only means it is an experience yet to have. “The Lord is near.”  (Philippians 4:5)   Let God speak in your heart today.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Romans 8:15–16, 26–27
Genesis 28:10–22

About the Author
Dr. David A. Palmer has been the senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of Kent since 1995. He has a B.A. from Wittenberg University, a Master of Divinity from Duke University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary. A native of Wooster, Ohio, he has served three other churches in east Ohio before coming to Kent. He and his wife, Mavis, have three children.

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