The Holy Spirit works in all sorts of different ways. We need to acknowledge the manifold workings of the Spirit and be receptive to how the Spirit would move in our own lives. This is the final sermon in the “Catch the Wind” series.
We can get aggravated by all sorts of things in life. The Holy Spirit moves us to be “properly perturbed” – to be concerned about the right things – so that our primary concerns are about our spiritual condition and the condition of the world around us.
Posted on July 27 2014, delivered by Rev. Doug Denton
This sermon, preached by our Minister of Pastoral Care, Rev. Douglas Denton, is not a part of the Catch the Wind series. This sermon explores the Biblical idea of justice, which involves a right relationship with God and others.
Posted on July 20 2014, delivered by Dr. Dave Palmer
The Scripture speaks of how the Holy Spirit will bring about within us the “fruits of the spirit” – spiritual qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – and thus will shape our inward character. So the Holy Spirit draws us into
Posted on July 13 2014, delivered by Dr. Dave Palmer
The Scripture says that the Holy Spirit will bestow various “spiritual gifts” upon us, which are either specific talents and abilities or general spiritual capacities. We are called to identify our particular gifts and put them to use in mission for God.