Summer Camp is an important part of a child’s spiritual growth. In an effort to make this opportunity available to all children, we invite you to check the many opportunities available through the East Ohio Camps website.
To help enable young people to go to camp, our church will pay half the cost for any camper from our church for any one of our United Methodist camps. We call this financial assistance a “campership.”
To receive a campership, follow this process:
The church will then send in a payment to the camp’s office for half of the Tier 1 price of your camp, and that office will bill you for the rest. If you need further financial assistance, contact Lynnette about receiving application materials for a District or Conference campership. It is possible to get nearly the entire cost of camp covered if you have the need. Summer camp is a fun-filled time of spiritual growth and making new friends in God’s great out-of-doors. For more information, contact Dr. Palmer.
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