We sponsor Cub Scout Pack 3250 and Boy Scout Troop 252, which together involve more than 60 boys in Scouting.
Scouting is a wonderful learning, growing, and character-building experience for boys. Our Scouts are very active! Cub Scouts have two den meetings and one pack meeting per month and do occasional campouts and outings. Boy Scouts have weekly troop meetings and monthly campouts. Both the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts take part in summer camp experiences, and the Boy Scouts have done major excursions to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and Seabase in the Bahamas.
Scout meetings are on Monday nights in the education wing and in Pierson Hall. For specific information, contact Cubmaster Ara Dockstader or Boy Scout committee chairman Mike Kulis, or senior pastor Dr. David Palmer.
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