Megatons to Megawatts
Is it possible to find peace—in our personal lives, and in our world? Peace may often seem elusive. Yet the prophets lift up remarkable visions of peace, created by the working of God.
The visions of the prophets come to their fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Jesus brings us to truly know God, to be reconciled with God, and to become peacemakers in our relationships with others. Through Jesus we are drawn toward the day when, as Isaiah put it, “they shall not hurt or destroy on all God’s holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord…” (Isaiah 11:9)
Peace is possible—in our hearts and in the whole earth—when we open ourselves to the One who would come to be called “the Prince of Peace.”
Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Isaiah 11:1–9
Micah 4:1–4