As United Methodists, we believe that faith needs to express itself through action. Our church is involved in a broad range of mission activities, as we seek to express the good news and love of Jesus Christ both locally and worldwide.
In addition, various groups in our church—the United Methodist Women, the men’s groups, and the Youth Fellowships—engage in a wide variety of mission work. Our church is one of relatively few United Methodist churches that have been designated a “Global Mission Partners Church” as a result of our extensive involvement with missions.
This is our United Methodist mission church in the Goodyear Heights neighborhood of Akron, which operates a broad range of programs for the needy, as well as worship and spiritual growth ministries. Our church contributes significantly to this important work.
This center in Portage County, which makes free clothing available to needy residents, was started in 1995 under the initiative of our church's Missions Committee and is now a major ecumenical venture with support from numerous area churches.
We support this Christian shelter in Akron for the homeless.
We support this homeless shelter in Kent.
We also support this shelter in Kent, which is for homeless veterans.
We provide several forms of support for this important agency in Kent. We give financial support and collect food items through the year, which go into food baskets distributed from the Lord’s Pantry. Through our “Holy Cow” beef fund, we provide periodic supplies of fresh beef to be distributed in those baskets. We also provide volunteer support for the Thursday Hot Meal program.
We are part of a rotation of area churches and charities that do a Saturday meal for the needy in Kent.
We operate a gleaning ministry which gleans tons of sweet corn and also potatoes, which would otherwise be left to rot, and distributes them to area food ministries.
We support this Kent agency that deals with substance abuse, rape, suicide, and a range of mental health issues.
We support this major agency that provides a spectrum of behavioral health and rehabilitation services.
We support this domestic violence shelter.
We support the chaplain's office at the hospital by helping to underwrite the secretary's salary.
We support this area ministry to migrant workers.
We provide workers at the project sites and, occasionally, lunches for the workers.
We support these two centers for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Hattie Larlham is local; Flat Rock is a large United Methodist facility in northern Ohio)
This ecumenical campus ministry is housed in a portion of our facility. We provide free space for staff and programming.
We are an important site for multiple blood drives each year.
We provide meeting space for three Narcotics Anonymous groups, one Alcoholics Anonymous group, and one Al-Anon group.
We are the meeting site for numerous community organizations.
We provide direct assistance to needy individuals in a variety of ways.
We contribute several thousand dollars per year to fund our three United Methodist camps in East Ohio—Camp Asbury, Camp Wanake, and Camp Aldersgate—which help young people grow in Christian faith and life through summer camp and retreat ministries.
We contribute several thousand dollars per year to help fund several United Methodist community centers in Ohio, specifically: the Nehemiah Mission (west side of Cleveland), the West Site Community House (near west side of Cleveland), the Steubenville Urban Mission, Canton Calvary Mission, and Epworth Center (southeastern Ohio)
Through our East Ohio Conference, we support a broad range of church development and mission outreach projects, many of them in local churches that are located in low-income areas.
We provide financial support each year for this Native American mission.
This mission supplies depot, located in Baldwin, Louisiana, is the collection and distribution site for materials such as “flood buckets” and health kits that get shipped out rapidly in response to natural disasters. We send a team of volunteer workers to the site for a week every other year, and also provide financial support.
This United Methodist related Appalachian mission, located in the Cumberland mountains of Tennessee, provides home repair services, children’s ministries, and clothing for low-income residents in Grundy County, one of the poorest areas of our nation. We send a team of high school and middle school youth every summer for a week-long work camp, and we send a small adult team in the fall with a large quantity of winter coats that we collect, which are distributed at the site.
We support this mission which helps orphans in Africa.
We give financial support each year to this United Methodist university in Zimbabwe, which is providing critically important education for students from across sub-Saharan Africa. Currently we are also seeking to raise $30,000 to fund the student lounge in a new women’s dormitory, which our East Ohio Conference will be building on the Africa University campus. Ministerial Education We give several thousand dollars each year to help train new pastors in seminaries.
We contribute tens of thousands of dollars each year to support the general mission work of the United Methodist Church.
Our church regularly responds to special appeals to help victims of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other crises.
We take seven special mission offerings each year for the following goals:
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