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Jesus Saves

The story of Palm Sunday encapsulates a key element of the cross—that God acts in ways quite different from what people expect! The people of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday expected a triumphant warrior Messiah, but Jesus came as the Lamb of God, who would win the victory, not through violence and force, but through self-giving love and sacrifice. Jesus redefines what real power looks like, as he expresses the power of God’s transforming grace. It is a power that can shape our lives and our world today! Jesus redefines what real power looks like Share on X

There is a lot of crude and brutal power making the headlines—ISIS bombings, Syrian chemical attacks, North Korean nuclear threats, Russian bombers . . . In the midst of such folly, God declares that there is a far greater power that ultimately wins the victory. It is the power that Jesus pours out from the cross. May we open ourselves to the true power of God’s redemptive love as we acclaim Jesus as King.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Zechariah 9:9–11
John 12:12–19

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