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God Will Provide

Last week’s election shocked almost everyone. Some were elated at the result. Others were devastated. For all of us, our situation is rather much like that of the people of Israel when they were heading into the wilderness—we are journeying into uncertain territory. We are journeying into uncertain territory Share on X

So we can gain perspective from the stories of the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites—and the lessons they teach us for today. As the Israelites engaged in an oft-times anxious quest after water and food in the desert, they had a series of powerful experiences, which bring us lasting truths for life:

At one point in the wilderness, the people in despair said, “Is the Lord among us, or not?” (Exodus 17:7) The clear answer was, and is: God is with us! So we can live in faith, in love, and in genuine hope.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Exodus 15:22–25, 27
Exodus 17:1–7

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