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Go Fishing

In today’s political climate, people are constantly denigrating others, and putting the most favorable light on themselves. In a news report, you can often tell what channel is telling the story, because they put a positive spin on “their side.”

How different is the Biblical story! From Abraham to Moses to David to the disciples, key characters in the Bible appear in all their weakness and failures. The most prominent disciple – Peter – is portrayed as seriously flawed. The Biblical writers do not put a nice spin on anything, but tell the story with blunt honesty.

The Biblical writers do not put a nice spin on anything Share on X

It is this very honesty that has made the Bible meaningful from generation to generation; for in the characters of the Bible we see our own lives reflected in all their weaknesses and flaws. The extraordinary message of the Bible is that precisely such flawed people can become a part of the purposes and promises of God.

This is especially evident in Peter, who denies Jesus before the crucifixion, then is restored by the Risen Christ to become a major leader in the early church. Peter is a prime example that resurrection is not only a future promise but a present-day reality – Christ raises people from failure and guilt and discouragement to new life as His disciples. So today we can experience the life-giving power of Jesus – as we let Christ raise us into the grace and strength and hope of God!

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Luke 5:1–11
John 21:4–17

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