Faith Finds a Way

One of the most beloved stories in the gospels is the story of the friends who were carrying a paralyzed man to Jesus and who, upon finding the way blocked, managed to get to Jesus by digging a hole in the roof and lowering the man on ropes! The story illustrates several key features of what it means to live as Jesus’ disciples, as the story encourages us to:
  • Join with others in faith – there is strength in what we can do when we work together!
  • Persevere in the face of obstacles, trusting that faith can find a way
  • Recognize that the fundamental answer to our need is to come to Christ
  • Bring others to Christ, “carrying” them to Christ through our prayers, our witness, and our invitation
  • Be ready for new possibilities and new life through Christ!

The story concludes with the paralyzed man being healed, and the people giving glory to God. We can give glory to God for how God is at work today!

Persevere in the face of obstacles, trusting that faith can find a way! Share on X

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Matthew 4:23-25
Mark 2:1-12

About the Author
Dr. David A. Palmer has been the senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of Kent since 1995. He has a B.A. from Wittenberg University, a Master of Divinity from Duke University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary. A native of Wooster, Ohio, he has served three other churches in east Ohio before coming to Kent. He and his wife, Mavis, have three children.

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