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Youth Time & Talent Auction


Sunday, April 28 will be the annual “Time and Talent Auction” and luncheon sponsored by the Kent Youth Group. Each year our auction serves as the MAJOR FUNDRAISER used to support the many activities our youth participate in during the year. The youth are very excited about this year’s event. Already we have received a tasting party for TEN people at Maize Valley Winery along with the use of a FLAT in London for a week, a handmade Roosevelt blanket, Golf Packages and much more!

While we are asking each of the youth to donate an item, there is room for the entire church to get involved in the fun. Donation items could include:

Won’t you please prayerfully consider ways you might be able to support our youth ministry through the donation of an item? Those interested in donating an item can do so by calling Rick at 330-283-4838 or by email at

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