30 Hour Famine

January 31, 2020 - February 1, 2020 | 7:00 pm - 5:00 pm

For 30 hours, our teens skip meals to raise funds that will help feed and care for hungry children around the world. Every 5 seconds, a child under 5 dies—and nearly half of those deaths are from hunger-related causes. That’s why we’re taking action now!

How You Can Help:

  1. Give. Every $40 we raise helps feed and care for a child for one month. You can make checks out to World Vision and give them to Rick Stout, visit our fundraising page, or text GIVE30HF to 44888.
  2. Volunteer. We need your help to make our Famine weekend a success! There are lots of ways to help.
  3. Pray. Ask for God’s grace over our event and our fundraising, and that we grow deeper in our love for Him while helping change hungry kids’ lives.

Our goals is to raise $1,000 to help feed and care for 25 kids for a month. Please contact Rick Stout at 330-283-4838 or by email to volunteer.