We struggle against all sorts of negative spiritual forces in life—temptation, falsehood, hatred, fear . . .—and those forces come at us from both within and without. But we are not left alone! Christ on the cross confronts all the powers of evil, and Christ wins the victory. As Paul said, “Christ disarmed the principalities and powers . . . triumphing over them on the cross.” (Col. 2:15) So as we put our trust in Christ, we can have confidence that Christ will bring us to victory; for as Paul says, “Christ rescues us from the power of darkness.” (Col. 1:13)
We can have confidence that Christ will bring us to victory Share on XWe may face some very dark times in our lives and our world; but in the midst of such times we can look to the cross—we see that Christ came triumphant through the darkness of the cross, and so we can have faith that Christ by His grace will bring us into the light of God’s promises, and we can join then in exclaiming, “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (I Cor. 15:57)
Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Colossians 2:15
I Corinthians 15:56–57
Colossians 1:11–14, 19–20