He Became One of Us
At the heart of Christmas is an extraordinary proclamation that is unique in the history of world religions—God became one of us, or as the gospel of John put it, “The Word became flesh and dwelled among us.” (John 1:14) Other religious traditions have sometimes mused that perhaps a god would masquerade as a human being, donning a human costume to walk upon this earth. But the message of the gospel is that Christ actually became a human being, taking all our human limitations and pains upon himself. Divinity fused with humanity—in the incarnation, God joined with us, in order that we might finally be united with God. God joined with us, in order that we might finally be united with God. Share on X
So we do not have to struggle our way to God or wonder whether in our imperfection and mortality we are of any value in the universe. The incarnation declares that human beings are of infinite value to God and that we have an infinite destiny. And because God has come to us, we can lay hold of that destiny by receiving the wondrous love that God is extending to us in Christ.
In Christ, God is truly with us; so we have reason for hope and rejoicing!
Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
I John 4:9–16
John 1:1–5, 14