Latest Sermon :
- Posted on February 16 2025, delivered by Rev. Nathan Howe

The United Methodist Church of Kent is a multi-age and diverse congregation located in Kent, Ohio.

You are welcome here: The United Methodist Church of Kent joyously proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and follows the example of Jesus in welcoming all. We welcome, affirm, and celebrate persons of every age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family configuration, marital status, political affiliation, faith history, economic status, educational background, and developmental or physical ability. All are invited to share in this community of faith, where we are growing in a relationship with Christ that empowers us to serve the world in Christian love.

Church Services

8:30 AM Traditional Service

9:30 AM Contemporary Service

10:30 AM Traditional Service

Hosting an Event
If you would like to hold a meeting or event in one of our spaces, including a wedding or music recital, please click here for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please visit our volunteer links page to sign up to volunteer for our vital ministries. You can also fill out an online spiritual gifts inventory to be contacted when opportunities to serve become available.

Pastoral Staff